Tooth Exposure and Frenectomy


Surgical Uncovering of un-erupted (Impacted Teeth)

If your tooth fails to erupt on its own, your Orthodontist may request that you see a surgeon to surgically uncover the tooth. Dr Rosenberg and his associates perform this procedure. This procedure involves removal or repositioning of the gum tissue to expose an impacted tooth. Once the tooth is exposed, your Orthodontist is able to place a bracket on this tooth and move the tooth into the desired position.


A frenectomy involves the removal of a frenum, or muscular attachment. Both adults and children may benefit from a frenectomy, either for the lingual frenum, which connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth, or the maxillary labial frenum, connecting the inside of the upper lip to your gums above the upper two front teeth.

Your orthodontist may request removal of the frenum when orthodontic treatment is planned or initiated. This can increase stability and improve success of the final orthodontic result.