Pre-operative Instructions

The following instructions may be helpful when preparing for your upcoming surgery. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any last minute questions. We can be reached at 1300 030 715 during regular business hours or after hours on our pager 03 9387 1000

You should receive pre and post-operative prescriptions prior to the date of treatment. For your convenience, please have them filled prior to your scheduled surgery. Please bring your filled prescriptions with you to your appointment.

It is important to give us an accurate list and dosages of all current medications as sometimes our Doctors may instruct you to stop certain medications before surgery. If you are required to take antibiotic premedication or prescribed oral sedation, please take it as directed before your surgery. If you are not having a general anaesthetic or intravenous sedation then you can eat a few hours before the procedure if you wish to do so. We keep the practice rooms cool, so dress warmly. You may bring your iPod or MP3 player with you if you would like.

In order to evaluate your progress and healing, we will see you for a check/review visit approximately two weeks after the procedure.


Please alert the office to any allergies or sensitivities that you might have to antibiotics.


If you elect to use oral sedation, you will be unable to drive or operate machinery for 24 hours. Please arrange to be accompanied to and from the practice. Please bring your remaining tablets with you. Remember, we encourage you to eat prior to your surgery.

Post-operative Instructions

These instructions apply to the surgical procedure just completed. They are designed to help you minimise post-surgical discomfort and inform you of any situation that may require special attention.

Food Suggestions/Diet

A soft diet is recommended after surgery is completed. It is advisable to avoid chewing on the side where surgery was completed. Avoid hot foods and liquids for approximately 24 hours following the surgery so as not to soften the dressing. A soft diet is recommended. Remember, adequate nutrition is essential for feeling better as well as for healing.

Pain Medications

It is not unusual to have discomfort for at least the first week following your surgical procedure. You will be given medication to help you tolerate the post-surgical recovery period. Please take your medications as directed. It is advisable to not take pain medication on an empty stomach, as nausea may result.


An antibiotic may be prescribed following your surgical procedure. Take as directed by your specialist and pharmacist.


You may experience some mild bruising or swelling in the area of surgery. This will subside within 24-48 hours. Dr Rosenberg may suggest placing an ice pack outside the cheek area to reduce swelling. The ice pack can be used alternating 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for the first few hours.


A small amount of bleeding is normal. If excessive or continuous bleeding occurs:

  • Do not rinse your mouth.
  • Elevate your head when lying down.
  • Apply moistened gauze to the immediate area with moderate pressure for 20 minutes, repeat if necessary.
  • Call us at the practice on 1300 030 715 if bleeding persists.


The dressing (which acts as a bandage) may be used to protect the surgical site and help reduce discomfort. If the dressing comes off or is uncomfortable, please call the practice for advice.


Do not smoke for as long as possible following your surgical procedure. It will significantly slow healing and can compromise results.


Do not drink alcohol for at least 48 hrs following surgery and whilst taking prescription pain medications.


Instructions provided on day of surgery.


Instructions provided on day of surgery.

Suture Removal

In most cases, sutures used are dissolvable. If we use sutures that are not dissolvable, they will be removed at the post-operative check visit 1-2 weeks after your surgery.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1300 030 715